The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra was launched in India in February 2022 just like its successor, the Samsung Galaxy S23. Amazon has offered a huge discount on this high-end smartphone. The phone is available on Amazon at a price of ₹99,999 without any offer but there is an easy ₹25,250 steal available on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.
Amazon is offering two discounts on the Galaxy S22 Ultra which are an exchange offer and a bank offer. Let’s check out these discounts.
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra on AmazonThe phone is priced at ₹99,999 on Amazon but it can be bought at a price of ₹74,749. There is an exchange offer available which can give you a discount of up to ₹25,000 if you trade your old phone while purchasing Galaxy S22 Ultra. The old phone should be in good and working condition.
Along with that, there is also a bank offer which promises a ₹250 discount if you make payment by using HSBC Cashback Credit Card.
Samsung Galaxy S22 5G specifications Samsung Galaxy S22 sports a 6.1-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with 120Hz refresh rate support. The display is protected by the Gorilla Glass Victus+. It can give up to 1300 nits on the peak brightness. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset paired with two storage options; 8GB 128GB and 8GB 256GB. It is packed with a 3700 mAH battery with 25W of wired fast charging and 15W wireless. It has a triple camera setup on the back holding a 50-megapixel primary camera along with a 10-megapixel telephoto lens for zoom and a 12-megapixel ultra-wide lens for wide-angle shotsfrom Mobile Phones News
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